This video was shot with actors and actresses and then the material was transformed to animation in postproduction.


SOS Children's Villages Hungary




Video concept

SOS Children’s Villages Hungary needed two awareness raising videos about stories of traumatized children. They hired us for the job, and wanted the stories to be performed by actors and actresses. But the budget was rather small for this kind of production. 

We came up with a concept that was different from the kind of videos the organization had had in the previous years, but fullfilled the expectations. 

Instead of making a couple of minute long short films that look like movies, we have chosen to create campaign videos that look like an advertisement. This has given us the opportunity to have a much more dynamic editing style. 

All the scenes played by actors and actresses were converted to animation in post production. This way we were able to place the scenes to new locations in post production. We used this technology to get rid of all the unnecessary details and place the characters in an empty space. 

There was narration in the videos, but instead of having an actor speaking we preferred to have an expert from SOS Children’s Villages. She could speak out of her heart be more convincing. 

⸺ Content Strategy

We suggested content solutions for the campaign goals and the buget of the client organzation.

⸺ Sketch Visualization

During the development of the videos we presented the client with texts and storyboards to evaluate the process.

⸺ Casting

For the production, we selected actors and actresses including children.

⸺ Filming in Hungary

The shooting time for a series of two videos lasted for two days only, and were taken place in a studio in Budapest, Hungary.

⸺ Rotoscoping

During postproduction, we implemented the technology rotospcoping which means that all the scenes were redesigned as cartoon based on edited video footage.

⸺ Fast Postproduction

Postproduction time of a this video lasted for a total of 5 weeks only.