I Bike Budapest: the selling point of a march

In the past several years we have made the video ads for the I Bike Budapest event.  It is a low budget campaign, the raw material is usually the mobile and GoPro video raw materials made by last year’s participants. This year we took inspiration from an advertisement for a Bluetooth speaker. 

I Bike Budapest 2024 video ad

Nonprofit organizations tend to think that what they sell to the public is their goal. If people like the goal then they come to the events that the NGO-s are hosting. 

Following this logic, you might think when you are creating a video ad for a bike march like I Bike Budapest then you should highlight what the organizer NGO, the Hungarian Cyclists’ Club wants to achieve with this event, which is a more bike friendly city with more space for bicycles. 

But we had a different approach. People attend a bike march because they love to take part. They love it when there are thousands of people riding a bike, and they just have fun together. So this is what we think sells the event. And if the promotion of the event is successful and people take part in the thousands, then the organizer can be more successful in demanding more bike lanes from the city mayor.

We took the inspiration from this ad for a bluetooth speaker. What you sell is not the functions or the specification of a loudspeaker, and not the political goal of a march. What you sell is the experience.